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Archbishop Buechlein announces cancer diagnosis

This past week, we were shocked to hear the news that Indianapolis Archbishop, Daniel Buechlein, has been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease which is another word for cancer of the lymph nodes. The good news is that it is apparently 85% curable, although the Archbishop has not yet found out the extent of his cancer.

The Archbishop wrote in the Criterion :

During the week of Jan. 13, I underwent a series of medical tests because I had been experiencing a lot of fatigue and had noticed a swelling under my right arm.

On Jan. 18, I received a medical report that I have Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer affecting the lymph nodes.

Hodgkin’s lymphoma is also commonly known as Hodgkin’s disease.

I am meeting this week with my oncologist to determine where I go from here concerning a course of treatment.

I already know that chemotherapy is required and I will be undergoing a complete body CT scan to determine more precisely the extent of the problem. Chemotherapy has proven to be a highly effective method for treating this disease.

I’ve been told that the side effects of the chemotherapy will be further fatigue. I regret the interruption this may cause in my normal obligations.

I do not expect the day-to-day operations of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis to be greatly affected. We are blessed to have so many dedicated and hardworking clergy, religious and parish life coordinators as well as an excellent administrative staff. Our many ministries will continue as usual.

This is all the information I have at the moment. I would appreciate your prayers, and please know that I will continue to pray for all of you.

– Most Rev. Daniel M. Buechlein, O.S.B.

Archbishop of Indianapolis
Jan. 22, 2008

The Archbishop asked for prayers, so I think it is approriate that prayers be offered to Simon Bruté, first bishop of Vincennes whose cause for sainthood was introduced by Archbishop Buechlein. Here is the prayer, approved by the Archdiocese:

Prayer to Obtain a Favor Through the Intercession of the Servant of God Bishop Simon Bruté

Father in heaven,
you give us every blessing
and shower us with your grace
through our savior, Jesus Christ,
and the working of the Holy Spirit.
If it be according to your will,
glorify your servant Simon Bruté
by granting the favor I now request
through his prayerful intercession:
(Mention your request.)
I make this prayer confidently
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


(For private use only)

For favors granted: contact Rev. Paul D. Etienne, vice postulator, c/o Metropolitan Tribunal, Archdiocese of Indianapolis, P.O. Box 1410, Indianapolis, IN 46206-1410


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