This section is dedicated to the cause of the Servant of God, Simon Gabriel Bruté, first Bishop of Vincennes. This is, like other areas of this website, an ongoing project, however it has been some time since it has been updated. I have included most of my research on Bishop Brute, including articles, clippings, databases etc. I have also included the Bruté section of my bibliography. You can view the entire bibliography here. You can also see a Bibliography of Sources Consulted which lists all of the articles and monographs that were searched. Finally, you may want to view this bibliography in PDF format. The database containing a list of Brutés correspondence with his Sulpician superiors and others, was located in the Sulpician Archives at the former St. Charles Seminary in Baltimore. These archives (along with the archives of the Archdiocese of Baltimore) are now located on the campus of Saint Mary’s Seminary in Roland Park (Baltimore).
We urge you to pray for the eventual canonization of Simon Brute! His labors on behalf of the Church in Indiana, as well as his work while in Maryland, have contributed greatly to the Church as we know it today.
Here is the prayer, for the cause of Simon Bruté:
Heavenly Father, source of all that is holy, in every age, you raise up men and women who live lives of heroic love and service. You have blessed your Church through the life of Simon Bruté, first bishop of Vincennes and spiritual director to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Through his prayer, his intellect, his love, and his pastoral care, Simon Bruté formed future priests and guided your Church in the early days of our country. If it be your will, Amen. |
Simon Bruté Bibliography
ACHR – American Catholic Historical Researches Alerding – Herman J. Alerding Bartelme – Elizabeth Bartelme (author) Brown – Sister Mary Borromeo (author) Catholic Encyclopedia – 1967 edition Code – Rev. Joseph Code ICHR – Illinois Catholic Historical Review Ave Maria – University of Notre Dame CBSJ – Central Blatt and Social Justice CMissD – Catholic Mission Digest OSV – Our Sunday Visitor Cath Mind – Catholic Mind RRel – Review for Religious HospProg – Hospital Progress GCL – Guide to Catholic Literature Colburn Monthly – Colburn’s New Monthly, London Historical Magazine – Dawson’s Magazine, Boston M West History – Magazine of Western History |
ACHS – American Catholic Historical Society AmCQR – American Catholic Quarterly Review Bayley – James Roosevelt Bayley (author) Brute’ – Charles de Remur Brute’ (author) CHR – Catholic Historical Review USCHS – U.S. Catholic Historical Society SLCHR – St. Louis Catholic Historical Review MidAm – Mid-America Magazine (Loyola Univ.) Historical Bulletin – St. Louis Univ. Jesuits C&C – Cross and Crown CLW – Catholic Library World Cath Action – Catholic Action Acta – Acta Apostolicae Sedis ABR – American Benedictine Review Cath World – Catholic World, New York Potter Am Monthly – Potter’s Monthly, Philadelphia M Am History – Magazine of American History |
Bruté, Simon Gabriel (1779-1839), First Bishop of Vincennes, (1834-1839)
ACHR, Account of religion in US, 1837, 8:168-69; 8:153; 8:171; 12:59, 130, 152; 14:50-53, 156; 15:22, 30, 55, 59, 76, 87, 88, 96, 189; 22:396; 23:192-193, 277; papers of, 9:132; consecration of, 10:144; spiritual testament of, 14:101; notes from, 14:192; Sister Benedicta cure, 15:152; poor little negro, 15:189; confirmation visit to Daviess County Indiana in 1838, 15:87; death of, 15:57; account of his installation, 15:55; visitation to Chicago in 1838, 15:96; account of religion at Emmitsburg in 1823, 15:88; visitation in Indiana in 1836, 29:32; 11:125; theology professor at Mount St. Mary’s, 18:34; letter from John Hughes, 18:33; 7:35; from Rev. DuBourg in 1810, 12:128; 6:27, 29; Patrick (Philadelphia 1810), 13:188; ACHS, alluded to, 3:238; superior at Mount St. Mary’s, 5:443; and Gaston, 6:250; becomes bishop, 7:467, 470; vicar of New York on, 8:469; consecration of, 8:472; alluded to at Mount St. Mary’s, 11:438; correspondence with Matthew Carey, 12:98, 101; visit to Visitandines at Kaskaskia, 13:221; boyhood during the French Revolution, 13:325-332; enters priesthood and to America, 13:332-333; extracts from his diary, 13:326-332; and Francis Vezina, 18:294; suggested by DuBourg for new sees in 1822, 19:198; and John David, 19:413; John Hughes writes about Philadel phia, 20:363-364; reply to Hughes, 20:364; to Hughes concerning the 4th of July in 1832, 20:367-368; at Mount St. Mary’s in 1819, 22:240, 243; condemns St. Mary’s Philadelphia agreement of 1826, 28:168; Flaget receives letter from, 29:50, 53, 154; alluded to at Emmitsburg, 29:237, 30:354; and the Chicago mission, 30:359; alluded to as professor at Mount St. Mary’s, 31:185; mentioned by Bishop Kenrick of Baltimore, 32:114; on Samuel Sutherland Cooper, 33:312, 37:323; and St. Gabriel College Vincennes, 38:201; on the Catholic Church in the US 1784-1828, 56:267-268; personal papers lost, 72:5; Alerding, History of the Diocese of Vincennes; AmCQR, A Saintly American Bishop (1920); Bartelme, Simon Brute and the Wetern Adventure; Bayley, Memoirs of the Right Reverend Simon Brute; Brown, The History of the Sisters of Providence of St. Mary of the Woods; Brute, Vie de Monseigneur Bruté de Remur, Rennes et Paris (1887); Catholic Encyclopedia, 2:842, Sisters of Providence and, 13:265, and John Timon, 14:165, and Vincennes diocese, 7:463; CMissD, Portrait of a bishop (abridged Reed & Rock), 3:22-32 (1945); CHR, sketch, 2:287; papers of, 3:492-494, 4:129-130; Guilday bibliography, 5:127; Godecker biography, 17:489-490; report to Rome in 1836, 29:177- 233; Catholic church in northern Indiana 1830-1857, 25:143-144; and Gaston, 30:394-426; Review of LeMarie’ book, 62:490-493; Clarke, Simon Brute de Remur-St. Meinrad Historical Essays, Vol. 3 (1934), 126-133; Code, Letters of Mother Seton to Mrs Scott (1935); Code, Dictionary of the American Hierarchy; Commonweal, Mr Brute becomes a bishop, 36:224-226 (1942), review of the ‘Reed and the Rock’, 36:401-402 (1942); C&C, review of reprint of Bayley biography, 24:211 (1972); Dirvin, Mrs. Seton; Dunne, Souvenir of Archbishop Feehan; Easterly, The Life of Bishop Rosati; Eaton, US Catholic Historian, Vol-2, Nos. 2-4; Eaton, American Necrology of the Society of St. Sulpice, 15-16; Emmanuel, 69:116- 122 (1963); Extension, Fr. Gibault hero of Vincennes, 28:4; Fortnightly Review, review of Godecker book, 38:269-270; Garraghan, Chapters in Frontier History; Garraghan, The Jesuits of the Middle United States, I:196, 380, desires Jesuit coadjutor, II:118-119, offers property to Jesuits, III:112-113; Godecker, Simon Bruté de Remur; Godecker, Rt. Rev. Simon Brute-Part II- Priestly Career in Maryland 1810-1834; GCL, mention of Godecker book; Guilday, A History of the Councils of Baltimore 1791-1884; Guilday, John Gilmary Shea Father of American Catholic History (1926); Guilday, The Life and Times of John England; Guilday, The Life and Times of John Carroll (1922); Guilday, The National Pastorals of the American Hierarchy, 119; Historical Bulletin, Vincennes 1834-1934, 12:63-65; Hughes, The Influence of the Catholic Church on Illinois, 27; Kelly, Numerous Choirs; Kleber, History of St. Meinrad Archabbey 1854- 1954, 22-23, 27-28; Lamennais, Lettres inedites de J.M. & F. De LaMennais, addressees a Mgr Brute De Rennes; LeMarie, Monseigneur Brute de Remur; Maynard, The Reed and the Rock; Maynard, The Story of American Catholicism; McAvoy, The Catholic Church In Indiana 1789-1834; McCaffrey, Discourse on in 1858, 163-233; McCann, The History of Mother Seton’s Daughters; McNamara, The Catholic Church on the Northern Indiana Frontier 1789-1844; McSweeney, The Story of the Mountain; Melville, Elizabeth Bayley Seton; Melville, Jean Lefebvre de Cheverus 1768-1836 (1958); Melville, John Carroll of Baltimore, 133-134, 242; MidAm, Bishop Brute of Vincennes, 4:151-165, letters of John Grassi to, 4:245-265, correspondence on Indian removal 1835- 1838, 4:177-192 (1933); O’Grady, Catholic Charities in the United States; OSV, Child of Two Revolutions, 65:16 (1976); Regis, The Catholic Bookman’s Guide; Reuss, Biographical Cyclopedia, 18; Ruane, The Beginnings of the Society of St. Sulpice in the United States 1791- 1829; St. Mary’s, Seminary of St. Sulpice Centenary Memorial Volume; Schauinger, Cathedrals in the Wilderness; Schroeder, The Catholic Church in the Diocese of Vincennes, 1847-1877; Schulte. The Catholic Heritage of St. Louis; Seton, Memoirs, Letters, and Journal of Elizabeth Seton (2 vols.); Shanabruch, Chicago’s Catholics, 5-6; Shaw, Dagger John; Shaw, John Dubois: Founding Father; Shea, Hierarchy of the United States, 383-384; Shea, History of the Catholic Church 1808-1843 (vol. 3); Shea, The Life and Times of John Carroll, 398; SLCHR, and the mission at Chicago, 1:201-214 (1919); CBSJ, Indiana 1834-1840, 53:165-167, 200-203, 236-240, 272-275 (1960); Spalding, Life of Bishop Flaget; Trisco, The Holy See and the Nascent Church in the Middle Western United States 1826-1850; Trisco (ed.), Catholics In America, 35; USCHS, 2:(pt.1)60, 7:19, 9:136, 10:15, 31:27, 77, 47:138, M2:221, 279-280, 358fn, M8:xxvi, M9:44, 47, 80, 89, 123, 162, 163-167, 170, 178, 193, 199, 208, 209, 213, M13:129, M15:116, M17:63, 69, 83, 97fn, 98fn, Badin and, 9:38, Bayley on and Cardinal McCloseky, 1:49, Benoit and, M17:76, 77, bibographical data, 8:60-61, 10:56-64, 47:216fn, Cheverus and, 45:25, 26, 29, Joseph Cloriviere and 8:206, 208, consecration as Bishop of Vincennes, M13:169, 171, Dubois and, 5:217, Mme. Dubois and, 1:279, Joseph Fesch, Cardinal McCloskey and, 2:274-276, Flaget and, 8:61, funeral oration by John McCaffrey, 9:68, William Gaston and, 32:83-86, John Grassi and, 47:216, Pope Gregory XVI and, 2:274, 276, 277, Holy Cross congregation and, 11:21, interest in Jasper Indiana, M17:65-67, Leopoldine Foundation and, M13:156, 159, 171-175, 180, 186, John McCloskey and, 1:48-49, 2:(pt.2)274-276, 277, 279, 280, 281, memoirs of, 5:552, Mount St. Mary’s and 1:294, 295, 297, 298, 301, 7:85, 8:60-62, 68, 78, 79, Notre Dame and, 11:18, 21, 29, Oblate Sisters of Providence and, 9:92, on Father Farmer, 6:(pt.2)243, on priesthood, 1:60-61, on Ursulines, 31:42, Benjamin Petit and, 11:18, papers of, 17:40-42, 143, 147-148, Piquet settlement and, M17:94, 95, 97, J. Power and, 2:279, publication proposed by, 32:44, Elizabeth Ann Seton and, 9:85, Sisters of Charity and, 1:301, successor of Vincennes, 32:44, Vincennes paintings of, 2:275-276, 280-281, writings of, 25:14; Webb, Catholicity in Kentucky, 174, 210; White, The Life of Mrs Eliza A. Seton; Woodstock, Nicholas Petit as Coadjutor, 31:39-44 (1902); |
Simon Bruté correspondence In the Sulpician Archives
This section includes a listing of the correspondence of Bruté that is located in the Associated Archives which includes the Archdiocese of Baltimore, St. Mary’s Seminary and the Sulpicians. This is a simple listing which shows what the letter is “about”, “date”, “from”, “location” (which is the location in the old Sulpician achives.), “remarks”, and the person the whom the letter was written (To). You can view this listing here. |
In this section I wish to include some of the writings about Bruté. He was considered by all to be a holy and pious man and this shows through in the writings about him. There have been urban legends about Bruté which included stories that whenever he walked in the rain, the raindrops did not hit him. In 1874, James Roosevelt Bayley wrote Memoirs of the Right Reverend Simon Brute. This copy is in PDF format. |