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Chartrand named Coadjutor

On this day, (July 27), in 1910, Joseph Chartrand was named Coadjutor Bishop of Indianapolis. That meant that upon the removal, resignation or death of Bishop Francis Silas Chatard, Chartrand would automatically become Bishop of Indianapolis.

Here is how the New York Times reported it on July 30, 1910:

Chartrand, who was born in St. Louis, was ordained for the Diocese of Indianapolis, which was still known then as the Diocese of Vincennes. He was appointed vicar general on February 13, 1910. Named titular bishop of Flavias and coadjutor to the bishop of Indianapolis, as mentioned, on July 27, 1910. Consecrated in the cathedral at Indianapolis, September 15, 1910, by Archbishop Diomede Falconio, apostolic delegate to the United States, assisted by Bishop Denis O’Donaghue of Louisville and Bishop Herman Alerding of Fort Wayne. Bishop of Indianapolis, September 7, 1918. Named assistant at the pontifical throne, February 4, 1928.

The Indianapolis Star had a story about the the pending installation of the new Bishop in their September 13, 1910 edition. It listed all the dignitaries attending, the route of the parade honoring the new bishop and the Apostolic Delegate, Archbishop Diomede Falconio, who was the principal consecrator of Bishop Chartrand.


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