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Today marks two anniversaries. It is ironic how many happenings seem to fall on the same day? Sure, it may be planned sometimes, but more often than not it isn’t. Take today (March 2nd) for example. On this day:

In 1987 — Archbishop Daniel Buechlein was ordained Bishop of Memphis. He had been Rector of Saint Meinrad School of Theology. In 1992 he was named Archbishop of Indianapolis to succeed Archbishop Edward T. O’Meara.

In 2011 — Bishop Christopher J. Coyne was ordained the first Indianapolis auxiliary bishop since 1933. Nearly 1,000 people filled St. John the Evangelist Church, the oldest Catholic Church in Indianapolis, for the ordination. The entire ceremony was streamed live on the archdiocesan website. [from the 2012 Archdiocesan Yearbook].


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