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This week…

Remembering those who have gone before us. This week in the Indiana Catholic Calendar.

  1. May 10 — The 163rd anniversary of the death of Fr. Michael Edgar Shawe, one of the first generation of priests in Indiana. Recruited by Bishop Brute. (More here)
  2. May 11 — The 146th anniversary of the birth of Bishop Joseph Chartrand. Born in St. Louis, MO, May 11, 1870. Ordained priest at Indianapolis, September 24, 1892. Appointed vicar general, February 13, 1910. Named titular bishop of Flavias and coadjutor to the bishop of Indianapolis, July 27, 1910. Consecrated in the cathedral at Indianapolis, September 15, 1910
  3. May 12 — The 138th anniversary of the consecration of Bishop Francis Silas Chatard. Born in Baltimore, MD, December 13, 1834. Ordained at Rome, June 14, 1862. Vice-rector of the American College, Rome, 1862-1878. Named bishop of Vincennes, March 26, 1878, at which time he took the name Francis Silas. Consecrated in Rome, May 12, 1878
  4. May 14 — The 160th anniversary of the death of Saint Mother Theodore. Anne-Thérèse Guérin, Saint Theodora Guérin died on May 14, 1856. More on this over the coming weekend.
  5. May 17 — The 177th anniversary of the naming of Right Rev. Célestin René Laurent Guynemer de la Hailandière as coadjutor to Bishop Simon Brute of Vincennes, May 17, 1839.
  6. May 17 — The 95th anniversary of the ordination of Msgr. John J. Doyle. Ordained by Bishop Chartrand. Celebrated his First Mass at Old St. Joseph Church, Indianapolis. The “Mons” died in 1985.

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