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Servant of God Simon Brute’

On this day in 2005 Archbishop Daniel Buechlein officially opened the cause for the canonization of the First Bishop of Vincennes, Simon Brute¨. Here is the text from the September 16, 2005 edition of the ‘Criterion’, announcing the “cause”

The Cause of Canonization of
Bishop Simon Brute is opened

Founder of diocese now may be called “˜Servant of God’
By Brandon A. Evans

Underneath the appearance of paperwork, signatures and seals, a moment of historical significance for the archdiocese occurred this week.

On the morning of Sept. 12, Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein, along with other officials and the postulator, Andrea Ambrosi of Rome, opened the Cause of Canonization of the Servant of God Simon Brute, the founding bishop the Diocese of Vincennes, which became the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.

“œIt’s a historic day because it formally now inaugurates the Cause for the potential canonization of our first bishop,” Archbishop Buechlein said.”It’s a very satisfying thing to be able to refer to him now as the Servant of God Simon Brute.”

The opening session consisted mostly in the taking of oaths on behalf of all those who will be involved in the Cause.

The presence of the postulator is necessary because it is he who will officially advocate on behalf of the Cause.

The next step in the process is for the archdiocese””and members of the historical commission and theological commission of the Cause””to aid Ambrosi in presenting to the Vatican evidence that Bishop Brute led a life of heroic virtue.

It is interesting that an article appeared in America Magazine which calls for an easier path for canonization, particularly for laypersons. The cost of hiring a postulator, researching historical documents etc. is very high — so much so that, in the case of Bishop Brutè, the Archdiocese solicits help for funding the cause. That is one reason why America is calling for an easier way to sainthood.

Of course, the best thing to do (and in the end official recognition isn’t as important) is to pray for the intercession of Bishop Brutè. The Archdiocese has afforded two ‘official‘ prayers. One for his cause and the other for his intercession:

Heavenly Father,
source of all that is holy,
in every age, you raise up
men and women who live lives
of heroic love and service.
You have blessed your Church
through the life of Simon Brute,
first bishop of Vincennes
and spiritual director
to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Through his prayer, his intellect,
his love, and his pastoral care,
Simon Brute formed future priests
and guided your Church
in the early days of our country.
If it be your will,
may he be proclaimed a saint.
We ask this through Jesus Christ,
our Lord.

and the prayer for intercession:

Father in heaven,
you give us every blessing
and shower us with your grace
through our savior, Jesus Christ,
and the working of the Holy Spirit.
If it be according to your will,
glorify your servant Simon Brute
by granting the favor I now request
through his prayerful intercession:
(Mention your request.)
I make this prayer confidently
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.



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