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On This Day-May 17th

On this day there are two items to pass along. The first was in 1839, when Celestine de la Hailandiere was named Coadjutor Bishop of the Diocese of Vincennes. Hailandiere was in France at the time, seeking assistance for the young diocese. By the time word got to Bishop Brute of Hailandiere’s appointment, he was already dead. Hailandiere was consecrated at Paris on August 18, 1839.

We also celebrate on this day, in 1921, Msgr. John J. Doyle was ordained. (The holy card below is from Msgr. Doyle’s First Mass.) Msgr Doyle wrote “The Catholic Church in Indiana 1686-1814” in 1976. He also wrote a series of articles for the Criterion, the newspaper of the Archdiocese, in 1982. He died in 1985. This web site is dedicated to his memory. You can read moe about Monsignor Doyle in this 2009 post.

In the foreword to his book, he said:

“It is my hope that the reading of the story told here may awaken the desire, latent in almost every heart, to understand what we are by discovering how we came to be, and to stir up the ambition to preserve for those that come after us the memory of the works worthy of emulation that God preformed by the hands of those that went before us, while we strive to deserve our heritage”


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