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June 2012

June is always a busy time in the church calendar, and in our individual calendars as well. It used to be that Summer was synonymous with leisure, but that doesn’t seem to be true anymore. We take the time, however, to remember some important events in the Indiana Catholic Church History calendar:

On June 8, 1976, Bishop Chatard, who was the last Bishop of Vincennes and the first Bishop of Indianapolis, was moved from the crypt at the Cathedral in Indianapolis, which he built, to the Calvary Chapel Mausoleum, on the south side of Indianapolis.

On June 10, 1967, Cardinal Joseph Elmer Ritter (who was born Elmer Joseph) died in St. Louis. He was the third bishop of Indianapolis and the first Archbishop. In 1946 he was moved to St. Louis. There is an awful lot of information that should be written about him, but for now, we’ll supply a link from the Archives of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Of course, St. Louis also holds a special place in our Indiana Catholic history.

Finally, on June 10, (or was it June 11th?), Servant of God, Simon Brute, was ordained a priest. According to Sister Mary Salesia Godecker, Brute was ordained on June 10, 1808 at the church of St. Sulpice in Paris. He was ordained by the Right Reverend André, the retired Bishop of Quimper. His first Mass was celebrated at the altar of the Blessed Virgin in the Seminary of St. Sulpice on Trinity Sunday, June 11, 1808. Brute’s”Memoirs” by Archbishop Bayley say that he was ordained on the Saturday before Trinity Sunday in 1808. That would mean JUNE 11th, according to a perpetual calendar. Trinity Sunday was 12 June, 1808 according to one source 1. Papers in the Indianapolis Archdiocesan Archives, which appear to have been written by Brute say”Ordained Priest on the 10th of June 1808″³, yet the Archdiocesan website says he was ordained June 11th. Despite attempts to verify the date, no definitive answer could be found.


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