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New Archbishop Named

Tuesday night, the well known blog Whispers In The Loggia announced that Pope Benedict has named Archbishop Joseph Tobin as the new Archbishop of Indianapolis:

Following up the most conservative major appointment he’s made on these shores, the Pope is set to”tack left” with a splash for his next big Stateside pick, naming Archbishop Joseph Tobin ““ the 60 year-old Redemptorist who’s been the Vatican’s number-two official on religious life since 2010 ““ to lead the 230,000-member archdiocese of Indianapolis.

Relayed earlier today by the Vatican page of the Italian daily La Stampa, Whispers ops in the US and Rome confirmed the move, which is tipped to be announced on Thursday. While talk of the famously gregarious cleric’s departure for Indy had buzzed around the Italian press over recent days, Tobin’s potential homecoming to the Indiana post was first reported by The Tablet’s Robert Mickens in his “Letter from Rome” for the London-based weekly’s 2 June edition. 1

Following the ironies of our Indiana Catholic Calendar, today (October 17) is the 33rd anniversary of the death of Archbishop George Biskup. Friday is the 3rd anniversary of the naming of Father Paul Etienne as the Bishop of Cheyenne (2009). Also, Sunday, October 21st is the 68th anniversary of the issuing of the Apostolic Decree which raised the Diocese of Indianapolis to become an Archdiocese. The actual ceremony took place on December 19, 1944.

  1. Tuesday, October 16, 2012[]

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