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Why Make Saints?

As we celebrate the canonization of Saint John XXIII and Saint John Paull II, it is good to remember that Indiana Catholics seek the canonization of our beloved Bishop Simon Brute. That day is far off, but if it is God’s will, it will happen.

Father James Martin S.J., Editor at Large for American Magazine and author of “My Life with the Saints” responds in this YouTube video to common critiques of the canonization process. One of the things that he talks about is the “local cult” or “local devotion”. It seems that much could be done locally to stir up local devotion to Bishop Brute.

The whole process of canonization is very complicated and costly. Here is the video. After watching it, why not start praying the official prayer for canonization of Bishop Brute? You can find it on this link, or you can find it on the laft side of this page.

Bishop Brute Pray For Us!!


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