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Chartrand named Coadjutor

On this day, July 27, 1910, the Most Rev. Joseph Chartrand was named Coadjutor Bishop of Indianapolis. That put him in line to become the Bishop, following Bishop Francis Silas Chatard, who remained until his dath in 1918.

Chartrand was born in St. Louis on May 11, 1870. Ordained priest at Indianapolis, September 24, 1892. Appointed vicar general, February 13, 1910. He was named titular bishop of Flavias and coadjutor to the bishop of Indianapolis on July 27, 1910. He was He was consecrated in the cathedral at Indianapolis, September 15, 1910, by Archbishop Diomede Falconio, apostolic delegate to the United States, assisted by Bishop Denis O’Donaghue of Louisville and Bishop Herman Alerding of Fort Wayne. He became the Bishop of Indianapolis on September 7, 1918. He was also named assistant at the pontifical throne on February 4, 1928. Chartrand died at Indianapolis, December 8, 1933. His body was placed in the crypt of the cathedral, Indianapolis and on June 8, 1976, Bishop Chartrand’s remains were transferred from the cathedral, Indianapolis, to the Calvary Chapel Mausoleum, Indianapolis.

Roncalli High School in Indianapolis was originally named for him.


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