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Bishop Brute” History of Vincennes ““ 1839: Part 7 of 7

From March 9 through June 22, 1839, Bishop Simon Brute wrote a seven part series for the Vincennes Western Sun. In 1967, Francis P. Clark, a microfilmer at the University of Notre Dame Archives, transcribed this series. We have presented it in the original seven parts. This is the final installment of the series:

Messrs. Editors:

We trouble you with some gleanings in addition to the notes already furnished. In reviewing the history of Canada, by Charlevois, we were surprised to find some account of N. de Vincennes, long before the dates already furnished, perhaps by thirty years, so that he must have been almost a veteran in the service, when he was commander of our post in 1734��tho� his having been commander that year does not prove that he was not so years before, The statement in Charlevois is so interesting that we shall here subjoin a translation:

�At this time. (1704) the Cantons (the Iroquois nation) were revenged for the insults inflicted upon them by the Ottoways, (Outaouis). The chief of the party who had attacked them near Catarocouci, on his return to Michili� mackinack with his prisoners, passed by Detroit, and wished to engage those of his nation who were established at that post, to declare for him. He had even the. insolence to make parade of his victory in sight of the fort. But N. de Tonti, who had the command, in the absence of N. de la Motto Carillac, offended at their insolence sent M. de Vincennes with twenty soldiers from the garrison with orders to attack him; which was done, and, although the Ottoways of Detroit had come, to the number of thirty, to sustain their countrymen, Vincennes charged them with such valor, that he compelled them to seek safety in flight, and adandon their prisoners, who were sent back to the Tsonnouthouans�.� Vol. 3, p. 437.

These latter, however, were not satisfied, and prepared again for war, N. de Vaudreuil wishing to avoid it, sent to invite the chiefs of the Otta� ways to meet him at Montreal; and it was N. de Vincennes, who went in 1705 from Michilimackinack to keep the engagement. They (the Ottoways) submitted; the Iroquois were finally satisfied, nd peace was established between the Ottaways and Iroquois, Vol. 4. p. 3.

There might be presented a very interesting set of notes, on the antiquities of South Bend, which is the oldest place in Indiana. The fort St. Joseph, near the ruins of which is built the flourishing town itself, dates its commencement even further back them our fort on the Wabash, and still further than either, the celebrated mission of St. Joseph, one of the most renowned missionaries from Canada towards the west.
A short portage conducted the Indians from Lake Michigan and St. Joseph” river, to the Kankakee, and thence to the Illinois and other rivers. It was a place of great resort; the missionaries a long time before M. de la Sale, and Father Henepin, penetrated also through that place upon the Illinois river; soon after 1760, we find there Father Marquet and Father Allouez, no less celebrated. But in truth more than twenty�five years before, the disasters of the mission to the Hurons, who were driven away by the Lroquois, had by their flight, and their spiritual fathers following them, given occasion to the formation of the mission of St. Joseph, since become South Bend.

Western Sun, Vincennes, June 22, 1839.
The End.

Posted: October 31st, 2007 under Postings.


Categories: Postings.