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Ordinations at Vincennes – December 18, 1836

It was on December 18, 1836, just two years after the arrival of Simon Brute, the first Bishop of Vincennes, and just a few months after Brute’s return from France with his”recruits”, ordinations were celebrated at the Cathedral in Vincennes. It was the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Sister Mary Salesia Godecker wrote:

He desired to obtain the services of Bishop Purcell for the ordinations that were to take place on the fourth Sunday in Advent at St. Francis Xavier’s Cathedral and hoped the Bishop of Cincinnati would accompany him on his return to Vincennes, His plans met with disappointment. Fathers Montgomery and Junker were away on a business trip to New Orleans, Father Badin had gone to Cleveland where Father Dillon had died and Bishop Purcell was left alone. Under those conditions it was impossible for him to comply with the wishes of Bishop Brute who left Cincinnati on November 25 and returned alone to Vincennes, Following this disappointment the Bishop of Vincennes sent to St. Mary’s, Kentucky, for Father Petit, S. J, However, his Superior found it impossible to spare him and this left the bishop alone to give the retreat and prepare the candidates for ordination. The retreat opened on the third Sunday of Advent and closed on the fourth Sunday with ordinations which elevated Benjamin Petit, Charles Dumerle, and Anthony Parret to the rank of subdeacon and Rev, Michael Shawe to deaconship. 1

  1. Simon Brute de Remur ““ First Bishop of Vincennes, by Sister Mary Salesia Godecker OSB. St. Meinrad, 1931. pp.292ff[]

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