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Elizabeth Ann Seton

Today is the feast of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first native born American Saint. Her connections to Indiana are many, although Seton never stepped foot in the state.

First, Elizabeth Ann was counseled and spiritually directed by our very own Simon Bruté Her holiness was his holiness. Without taking anything away from Mother Seton’s saintliness, a former archivist at the Mount Saint Mary Archives in Emmitsburg, Maryland told me once that he had heard an author say that even though she was holy, her holiness was pale by comparison to that of Bruté. She was, he said, a “clinging vine”.

I can vouch for the holiness of Elizabeth Ann Seton having spent a great deal of time reading her writings and visiting her tomb often. I celebrated Mass at the Seton shrine and made a retreat in her “White House” on the grounds of the shine at Emmitsburg. My point is that if what has been said is true, then what does that say about Simon Bruté? It speaks volumes about his holiness and saintliness.

One last thing… Elizabeth Seton had two “Catholic” Bibles. Both of those Bibles are in the State of Indiana. One at the University of Notre Dame and the other at the Bruté Library in Vincennes.

Happy feast day Elizabeth Ann and happy feast day to your friend and advisor, Simon Gabriel Bruté!!!


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