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Seven Principles of Sainthood-Books about Indiana Saints

There is a new book out about Mother Theodrore, written by Mary K. Doyle. The full title is: Seven Principles of Sainthood: Following St. Mother Theodore Guerin. I say new, however the book was published in May of this year. The blurb reads:

In the Seven Principles of Sainthood, Mary K. Doyle defines seven principles by which Saint Mother Theodore Guerin lived a holy life and how we can follow her example. Saint Mother Theodore was a courageous and compassionate woman who came to the United States to establish the women’s religious order of the Sisters of Providence and several schools, including Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. You will find her to be a fascinating and inspiring example to follow on your own road to heaven.

In addition to the book on Mother Theodore, there is also an interview with Ms. Doyle on the USCCB’s podcast, Catholic Bookmarks. You used to be able to go to the USCCB’s website and listen to a podcast interview with Ms. Doyle, but it is no longer available.

Promoting Indiana Saints, canonized or not, is always a good thing. There was a book published last year called The Last Blackrobe of Indiana and the Potawatomi Trail of Death by John William McMullen. It was an historical novel about one of our favorite Indiana Saints, Benjamin Petit. McMullen also wrote a second book about the life of Roman Weinzoepfel an Indiana priest who was falsely accused of raping a woman in the confessional. He was convicted and sent to prison, but later the woman recanted and Fr. Weinzoepfel was released. He later retreated to St. Meinrad Archabbey where he lived out the rest of his life.

Now, if we could only get someone to write an updated book on Servant of God Simon Brute, or the history of the (Arch)diocese…!!


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