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Hailandiere Returns Home

Indiana has been blessed with the canonization of Mother Theodore Guerin, however, that recognition brought some national attention to the journey that Mother Theodore took to become Indiana’s first saint. Specifically the relationship between Mother Theodore and then Bishop of Vincennes, Celestine de la Hailandiere.

I’ve said, numerous times, that all the bad things that are reported to have happened between Mother Theodore, the Sisters of Providence and Bishop Hailandiere happened, but modern pundits have put a spin on it which, in my humble opnion, didn’t exist. It seems that everyone looks at the situation as it existed and comes to the conclusion that Hailaindere was this evil man who wanted nothing more than to destroy Mother Theodore.

My own opinion is that the bishop was simply a control freak, a micromanager. In other words, he had a personality disorder. Yet, at the same time, this is the same man who gave up everything and came to America to serve the Church in the Indiana wilderness just like Mother Theodore did.

Don’t get me wrong, Mother Theodore is an officially recognized model — a Saint of the Church, and rightfully so. I am not attempting to discredit her in any way. Far from it. What I am attempting to do is to give Bishop Hailandiere some credit for the sacrifices he made and for his love of the Church in Indiana.

Today, November 17th is the date that Hailandiere’s body arrived back in the United States. He had requested that he be buried in Vincennes. His body was sent back here after after a 35 year self imposed exile. He had died on May 1, 1882. His body was brought from France and interred in the Old Cathedral, Vincennes, on November 22, 1882.

The November 17th edition of the New York Times had a small article about the arrival of Hailandiere’s body in New York. His nephew, Rev. Ernest Audran, who was ordained by Bishop Hailandiere, accompanied the body from New York to Vincennes.

In another article from Morning Review, Decatur, IL on Nov 20th, 1882 Bishop Chatard enters the picture, although he was not present at any of the ceremonies honoring Bishop Hailandiere. Politics… politics…


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