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Bishop Brutés Ghost

This is a little bit of a “tongue-in-cheek” post. I used to have a section on my website about some of the strange stories about some of our Indiana Catholic heroes. The biggest story for one of the biggest heroes was the story about Simon Brutés ghost.

It seems that the good Father Brute still walks around the campus of Mount Saint Mary’s, the Maryland college (now a university). It is said that he haunts a room on campus.

Of course no one seems to mention that ghosts usually haunt the place where they die and as we all know, Simon Brute didn’t die anywhere near Maryland.

There is a story in the latest issue of The Mountain Echo, the student newspaper of Mount Saint Mary’s, which talks about a recent visit from the Ghost Hunters, which I believe is referring to the SciFi Network show of the same name.

Apparently the students took it all with a grain of salt, with one student who resides in the same room that is supposedly haunted by Brutés ghost, saying he sleeps better this year than ever before!!


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