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  1. Band of Missionaries — Part-1 – Vincent Bacquelin

    Aug 27, 2019 — Comments Off on Band of Missionaries — Part-1 – Vincent Bacquelin
  2. The “other” Chatards

    May 24, 2019 — Comments Off on The “other” Chatards
  3. Feast of Elizabeth Ann Seton

    Jan 4, 2018 — Comments Off on Feast of Elizabeth Ann Seton
  4. January 4, 2013 – Elizabeth Ann Seton

    Jan 4, 2013 — Comments Off on January 4, 2013 – Elizabeth Ann Seton
  5. Researches…

    Dec 3, 2011 — Comments Off on Researches…
  6. Bishop Brutés Ghost

    Oct 8, 2008 — Comments Off on Bishop Brutés Ghost