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Old Bishops Never Die…

I just wanted to take the time to post something a little bit on the “far side”… Today, March 26th, is the anniversary of the naming of Francis Silas Chatard as the fifth Bishop of Vincnennes. Chatard was in the United States on a fund raising tour for the North American College, of which he was rector. In his absence, Pope Leo was elected in February of that year, and it was just a month later that Chatard was named to Vincnenes. No one knows if that was coincidence.

However, in this technical age, one can “look-up”, (often referred to to as “Google”) any name and usually find something. I thought I would see if there was anything new out there on the name “Silas Chatard” and here is what I found… (Click on the image to enlarge)

Bishop Chatard’s “ZoomInfo”

This came from the website “”. [No longer available]. It suggests that Bishop Chatard is still with us, living in Rome, with an employment history that includes “Bishop”…


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