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Mother Theodore Anniversary

As we continue to look at the life and times of Mother Theodore Guerin, whose canonization is only a matter of time, Mother Theodorewe remember that on May 14, 1856, at half past three in the morning, she died. In her book, “History of the Sisters of Providence of St. Mary of the Woods”, Sister Mary Borromeo Brown S.P. wrote: “… Father Corbe was sent for, and the remaining sisters gathered about the dying couch of Mother Theodore. Absorped in God, she lay quietly while Fr. Corbe gave the last absolution and recited the prayers for the agonizing again and again.” She goes on: “She was buried the next day. The Bishop arrived, accompanied by Fther Michael Clarke from Lafayette. Father Chasse sang the High Mass of Requiem as the Foundress had requested of him, knowing that Father Corbe would be unable to do it.” In our next post, we will try to look at the life of Fr. Corbe, the chaplain of the Sisters at the time of Mother Theodore’s death. He was also a great defender of Mother and the sisters in their trials with Bishop Hialandiere.


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