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Bishop Brute Consecrated 1834

Today, October 28th is the feast of Sts. Simon and Jude. It was on this date the Simon Gabriel Brute was consecrated in St. Louis, as the First Bishop of Vincennes. The year was 1834. The “new” cathedral in Saint Louis had just been completed and it was Brutés wish as well as the other bishops, that he be consecrated in that place on this day. Writing at the time, Brute said:

“…Bishop Flaget had returned from Cincinnati, and I set out with him for Louisville, where Bishop Purcell joined us. Crossing the Ohio, we proceeded directly to St. Louis, across the vast prairies of Illinois, and passing through the town of Vincennes, half incognito. It was a source of great happiness and consolation to me to pass so many days in the company of these holy Bishops, and to meet that most excellent Prelate, Dr. Rosati, of St. Louis. On the 26th of October, assisted by Bishops Flaget and Purcell, he consecrated his new and beautiful cathedral, which was an occasion of joy to the whole city. A large body of the militia, and even the United States troops, from the barracks, near St. Louis, assisted at the ceremony. Two days after, on the 28th of October, the day of the Holy Apostles St. Simon (my patron) and St. Jude, I was consecrated in the same cathedral, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Flaget, assisted by Bishop Rosati and Bishop Purcell. The sermon for the occasion was preached by the Rev. Mr. Hitzelberger.
(Alerding, History of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Vincennes 1883, p.127)

The new bishop did not arrive in his see city of Vincennes until Wednesday, November 5, 1834. The “Old” Cathedral, as it is now known, still stands in St. Louis. The neighborhood where it stands has changed. The tattered look of 1900, (as seen in the black and white photo on the right) contrasted by the look today. If you have never been to the old cathedral, it is worth a visit. One thing you will notice is the resemblance to the cathedral of St. Francis Xavier in Vincennes. Read the history of the old cathedral.

October is a busy month for Indiana Catholic History. This month we have also celebrated:
October 14 — Ordination of Benjamin Petit and John Plunkett
October 15 — Bishop Bazin born in France (1796)
October 15 — Pope Benedict canonized Mother Theodore in 2006.
October 17 — Archbishop George Biskup died (1979)
October 21 — An apostolic decree, creating the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, was issued (1944)
October 24 — Bishop Bazin consecrated third Bishop of Vincennes (1847)


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