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Archbishop Schulte – February 17

On this day in 1984, Archbishop Paul C. Schulte died. Here is the Archdiocesan biography:

News & Courier
Charleston S.C.

Born in Fredericktown, MO, March 18, 1890. Ordained priest at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, MO, June 11, 1915. Appointed bishop of Leavenworth, May 29, 1937. Consecrated in the new cathedral at Saint Louis, September 21, 1937, by Archbishop John J. Glennon, assisted by Bishop Christopher Byrne of Galveston and Bishop Christian H. Winkelman, auxiliary of St. Louis. Named archbishop of Indianapolis, July 20, 1946. Formally installed in metropolitan see of Indianapolis by the Most Reverend Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, apostolic delegate, October 10, 1946. Appointed assistant to the pontifical throne, February 3, 1961. Retired January 14, 1970 and named titular archbishop of Elicroca. Died February 17, 1984, in St. Augustine Home, Indianapolis. Funeral, February 22, 1984, SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Indianapolis. Interment in Calvary Chapel Mausoleum, Indianapolis.

Archbishop Schulte oversaw tremendous growth in the Archdiocese. He founded many parishes, opened schools and oversaw the implementation of the Second Vatican Council, which he took part in. He helped to push the cause of Saint Mother Theodore. He was part of the Saint Louis exchange (my term). We sent Archbishop Ritter to Saint Louis and they sent us Archbishops Schulte and O’Meara.

[This post originally appeared on this date in 2013]


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