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180 Years Ago…

The establishment of the newly created Diocese of Vincennes was approved on April 12, 1834 and the official bulls were issued on this day, May 6, 1834. The Diocese of Vincennes, now the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, was established by Pope Gregory XVI. The territory then comprised the entire state of Indiana and the eastern third of Illinois. The latter was separated from the Diocese of Vincennes upon the establishment of the Diocese of Chicago, November 28, 1843.

Since 1834 we have seen numerous changes in the size of the area served and the number of faithful. Indiana now consists of five dioceses, Indianapolis, the Metropolitan See, Evansville, Gary, Fort Wayne-South Bend and Lafayette.

In the past few years every diocese, including Indianapolis, has seen a new bishop take charge. Five bishops and one auxiliary. 180 years ago it was one bishop and one priest.

Much has changed, but the mission remains the same.


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