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The anniversary of the death of Bishop Simon Brute is next week, June 26th. He died in Vincennes and was buried in the Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier on June 28. When he died, Elihu Stout, the Protestant editor of the local newspaper, eulogized Brute with the following words:

The news of his death produced a general and almost unanimous expression of grief amongst our citizens: and well have we cause to lament this event, for to many, very many he was dear; to the one as a friend, to the other as a comforter; to the third as a teacher, or as a literary companion, and to all as a pattern of goodness, morality and pure piety. His character was truly amiable, and his manners so conciliating, that wherever he could not make friends, he was sure not to make enemies, and we can safely affirm, that he died without the latter.

Western Sun and General Advertiser – Vincennes, Indiana – 29 June 1839

The date of his death gives us time to pray a Novena, beginning tomorrow, June 17th. The prayer during this novena can be either the prayer for the canonization of Bishop Brute, or the prayer for his intercession. Combine this prayer with other prayers, such as the Hail Mary, Our Father, etc. Either way, it should be noted that this is for private use only.

Father in heaven,
you give us every blessing
and shower us with your grace
through our savior, Jesus Christ,
and the working of the Holy Spirit.
If it be according to your will,
glorify your servant Simon Brute
by granting the favor I now request
through his prayerful intercession:
(Mention your request.)
I make this prayer confidently
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


(For private use only)

Heavenly Father,
source of all that is holy,
in every age, you raise up
men and women who live lives
of heroic love and service.

You have blessed your Church
through the life of Simon Brute,
first bishop of Vincennes
and spiritual director
to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Through his prayer, his intellect,
his love, and his pastoral care,
Simon Brute formed future priests
and guided your Church
in the early days of our country.

If it be your will,
may he be proclaimed a saint.
We ask this through Jesus Christ,
our Lord.


(For private use only)


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