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The Correspondence of M.A. Frenaye

Marc Anthony Frenaye was a prominent Philadelphia layman who contributed a great deal of time and money to Catholicism. There are a number of references made from letters, both to and from him, especially between him and Bishop Francis Patrick Kenrick. The following is from the American Catholic Historical Researches Volume-3, pp.492-494:

Rev. Simon P. Lalumiere writing from Washington, Daviess Co. November 11th 1841 said “The Bishop has no money and our Catholics in general are poor. Our mission however is going on the increase. We have in this County, six miles from Washington, the Brothers who lately came from France. We entertain great hopes that they will do a great deal of good. I have been very sick this autumn. I was confined for nearly four weeks, I bad taken previous to that a missionary tour in Illinois and exposed myslf or rather was exposed. I was lucky enough to get home and then be sick but am now well.” Rev. Simon P. Lalumiere from Indianapolis. Sept. 26th 1846 said “The Bishop sent me here to buy same lots. I am yet at Terre Haute. I presume you have heat heard of the death of our beloved friend and Priest Rev. Mr. Bacquelin. He was thrown off his horse and he died seven hours after. He was a good and excellent man—respected by all—even Protestants.” Bishop de St. Palias, Vincennes April 28th 1855 wrote about society for aiding converted Protestants and the Prov4ncial Council of Cincinnati to open May 18th. Julian Delaune, Madison, Jefferson County Indiana, January 25th 184$ ordered 50 Catholic Primers, 24 Universal Readers, 24 Second Readers, 12 Fleury’s Catechisms and some Spelling books for a School he had opened. They were sent March 13th and cost $28.68 as noted by Mr. Frenaye. Rev. J. Guegeun, Indianapolis, October 19th 1848 wrote about money of the Propagation of the Faith. Rev. J, Corbe V. G. Vincennes, receipts for $400 from Propagation Society to the Sisters of Providence at St. Mary’s of the Woods. Bishop St. Palias, by Rev. J. C. Chasse April 16th 1856, acknowledged contribution from the Leopoldine Society.



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