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All Saints – All Souls

This is the time of year for Halloween, which of course, is the Eve of All Saints, but in secular clothing. It is probably my favorite feast since I am very much involved with the veneration of the saints — those friends of ours in “high places”. The saints are those models who show us that God can, and does, work through us. We are all members of the “communion of saints” and so it is our feast day as well.

We also “celebrate” the feast of All Souls. It is a time for us to remember and to pray for all those who have died, especially those who have died in the last year. But it is not so much a time of greiving as it is a rememberance of those who (as we say on this web site) have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. They have moved on to the next level and we pray for them and we pray with them.

With all of that in mind, we remember those who are commemorated on this web site. Especially this year with the canonization of Mother Theodore Guerin. But we also remember all the others, like Simon Brute, Anthony Deydier, Benjamin Petit, Simon Lalumiere, John Corbe, and even Celestine de la Hailandiere who has had some bad press of late. We are not the judge and so we only look at the hopes and dreams of these men and women and we pray that they will continue to pray for us and all that we do. We pray that they will show us the way to holiness.


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