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Publications of note

It is a new year and it will, with God’s help, be a good one.

I have two publications that I want to pass on to you. Both of them have to do with the history of the Church in Indiana and the Potawatomi Indians. The first is an e-book entitled, “The Last Blackrobe of Indiana and the Potawatomi Trail of Death” by John William McMullen. It is a historical novel about Father Benjamin Petit and his travels with the Potawatomi as they were forced off their land in Indiana in 1838 in the “Trail of Death”. You can find this book at:

The second item is actually a Master’s Thesis which I ran across while doing some research. It is entitled “Slumbering Echoes: Potawatomi Indians, Catholic Priests, and the University of Notre Dame du Lac, 1830-1852” As of yet, this thesis is not available online.


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