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Baptismal Records for Simon Brute and Antoine Deydier

Anyone who has done genealogy knows that when you find an actual record for someone that you have been searching for, it feels like you’ve struck gold. This is what we are sharing in this post.

Brian Lankford, a friend of this ‘blog’ and a resident of Evansville has given us the baptismal records, including images of the sacramental record for two of our favorite people — Servant of God, Simon Gabriel Brute and Anthony (Antoine) Deydier, a pioneer priest of the Diocese of Vincennes who was called to Indiana by Bishop Brute after he had refused ordination to the priesthood for a number of years. He was 50 years old when Brute ordained him in the Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier in Vincennes.

Bishop Brute was baptized in the Church of St. Germaine in Rennes, Brittany. His baptismal record says he was born in the palace. Here is an image of the entry.

Here is the translation, provided by Mr. Lankford:

Baptism Record Translation
Of Simon Brute
By Brian S. Lankford

Simon Guillemme Gabriel fils de noble maitre Simon Guillaume Gabriel Brute de Remur Avocat en parlement, directeur receveur general des domaines du roy et de ceur de ________ le duc de _____ en Bretagne, et de dame Renee Jeanne le Saulnier du Vauhello ne dansle palais et baptise etteme jour vingt Mars Mil sept cent soixante dix neuf parain Francois Pierre Rene Geni vater de jouanet etta le pere present brute de remur vatar de jouanet

Simon Guillemme Gabriel son of noble master Simon Guillaume Gabriel Brute de Remur Lawyer in parliament, director receiver general of the domains of the king and of the heart of ________ the duke of _____ in Brittany, and of lady Renee Jeanne le Saulnier du Vauhello born in the palace and baptized This day twenty March Seventeen hundred and seventy nine godfather Francois Pierre Rene Geni vater de jouanet and the present father brute de remur vatar de jouanet

Then there is another hero of the nascent Church in Indiana, Fr. Antoine (Anthony) Deydier. As mentioned above, he was ordained by Brute after refusing ordination or a number of years. He arrived in the United States on the same ship at Brute and Bishop Benedict Flaget in 1810.

Dydier was presumably baptized in the church of Saint-Thyrse, in Anglards-de-Salers, France.. Here is Deydier’s baptismal entry

Baptism Record Translation
Of Antoine Deydier
By Brian S. Lankford

l’an mil sept cent quatre vingt huit et le trentie avril est ne et a ete baptise antoine deydier fils legitime a autre antoine et a catherine arnal laboureurs au village d aubanae. parrein antoine arnal marteine antoinette grestel soussignes

The year one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight and the thirtieth of april was born and was baptized antoine deydier legitimate son of another antoine and catherine arnal, laborers in the village of aubanae. godfather antoine arnal marteine antoinette grestel undersigned


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