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Hailandiere’s Body Returned to Vincennes

Here are some interesting news articles from 1882 concerning the return of the body of C�lestine Guynemer de la Hailandi�re, that is, Bishop de la Hailandi�re, the second Bishop of Vincennes, to the United States following his death on May 1, 1882.

The Bishop had always wanted to be buried in Vincennes. After his resignation in 1847 amid much controversy, he returned to his native France where he remained for the next 35 years. Obviously much had changed in this country and certainly in the Diocese of Vincennes. Two bishops had come and gone (Bazin and St. Palais), and the third, Bishop Chatard had moved to Indianapolis.

Bishop St. Palais had overseen the largest growth in the Church in Indiana as well as the further division of the Diocese to include the new Diocese of Fort Wayne.

The November 17th edition of the New York Times had a small article about the arrival of Hailandi�re’s body in New York. His nephew, Rev. Ernest Audran, who was ordained by Bishop Hailandi�re, accompanied the body from New York to Vincennes.

In another article from Morning Review, Decatur, IL on Nov 20th, 1882 Bishop Chatard enters the picture, although he was not present at any of the ceremonies honoring Bishop Hailandi�re.


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