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E.A. Seton and Indiana

Today, January 4, is the feast of the first American born saint, Elizabeth Ann Seton. Even though she never set foot in the State of Indiana, she has a very real connection to the Indiana Catholic Church.
Servant of God, Simon Bruté, our first bishop, was Elizabeth Ann’s spiritual director from September of 1812 until her death in January of 1821. He had a great deal of influence on her spiritual life and she on his. Bruté said that no one ever impressed his soul so forcibly as Elizabeth Ann Seton.
In addition, Elizabeth Ann Seton had two bibles as a Catholic. She used the first from 1805-1813 and the second, from 1813 until her death in 1821. Both of these bibles are in Indiana. The first is located in the Archives of the University of Notre Dame. It was given to the university by Robert Seton, grandson of Elizabeth Ann. The second, was presented to Bishop Bruté after Mother Seton’s death and he brought it with him to Vincennes. Is it part of the “Old Cathedral” Library.
Elizabeth Ann Seton and Bishop Bruté were kindred spirits. One has been declared a saint, and the other, although not officially declared a saint, will one day be declared one. It seems clear that holiness rubbed off on each of them.


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