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Yet another “Then and Now”…

The “now” part of this is 50 years ago, but on this day (May 28) in 1960, the Diocese of Fort Wayne, which had been established in 1857, added the city of ‘South Bend‘ to its name. Thus the Diocese of ‘Fort Wayne-South Bend‘.

The Diocesan History notes all of this as well as a listing of all the bishops of the diocese.

Also on this day, Right Rev. Celestine Rene Laurent Guynemer de la Hailandiere know to us simply as Bishop Hailandiere, the second Bishop of Vincennes, was ordained a priest at Paris. Hailandiere was born in Combourg, Archdiocese of Rennes, May 3, 1798. (Rennes became an Archdiocese in 1859). You can read more about that area by clicking here.


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