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Born, Dead and Buried

A few calendar items…

Monday, November 15th is the 199th anniversary of Bishop Jacques M. Maurice Landes d’Aussac de Saint-Palais, known to us as Bishop Saint Palais. He was born at LaSalvetat, France in 1811 and was ordained in Paris in 1836. He followed Bishop Brute to Indiana that same year. He bacame the fourth Bishop of Vincennes on October 3, 1848 and he was consecrated in the cathedral at Vincennes, January 14, 1849. He died at St. Mary-of-the-Woods on June 28, 1877. His body is interred in the Old Cathedral, Vincennes.

Wednesday, November 17th is the date that the second bishop, Celestine de la Hailandiere returned to Vincennes. His body was sent back here after after a 35 year self imposed exile. He had died on May 1, 1882. His body was brought from France and interred in the Old Cathedral, Vincennes, on November 22, 1882.

The November 17th edition of the New York Times had a small article about the arrival of Hailandiere’s body in New York. His nephew, Rev. Ernest Audran, who was ordained by Bishop Hailandiere, accompanied the body from New York to Vincennes.

In another article from Morning Review, Decatur, IL on Nov 20th, 1882 Bishop Chatard enters the picture, although he was not present at any of the ceremonies honoring Bishop Hailandiere.


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